"Operation GO, Changing Lives, Influencing Generations"
Operation GO is a company that exposes students in Charlotte, NC to a wide-range of post secondary options, which give students an opportunity to make a decision on whether to attend college, create a business or begin a career all while they’re still in high school. There has been an influx of students who go to college without knowing what career path to pursue. This puts young adults in debt and oftentimes they do not attain a degree. Or they attain a degree in a field that will not hire them or provide exceptional compensation.
Operation GO will allow students to sample different careers with a goal of helping them find their true passion. The career exploration courses that we offer can set the framework for our students and place them in a position for success. In addition to career exploration, tutoring and intensive mentoring services, students will learn how to manage their finances and increase their income through Reprogram our “Generational Wealth Development” Course. Learning the importance of networking and the development of communication skills is vital to the students’ ability to market themselves. At Operation GO we bridge the gap between a life of poverty and a life of success and believe the program will help change the mindset of our youth. Alleviating poverty in our community starts with giving our youth a better path to victory and success.